Confused with social media and content marketing for your small business? I can help!

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Hello, I’m Claire. If you’ve ever felt lost with how to market your small business online, you’ve come to the right place. I understand that running your social media, writing your website copy, blog or building an email list can be overwhelming.

You’ve got a small business to run! β€˜Content’ becomes just another job on the never ending to do list.

The good news is, I’m here to help! 

 I love helping small businesses, just like yours, get the results they deserve. Through organic social media marketing, creative copywriting and inspiring content that connects with your audience and helps convert them to customers.

Because every small business has a story. It’s time we told yours.

Tell me the facts and I’ll learn.

Tell me the truth and I’ll believe.

But tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever.


 Featured Blog Post

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10 Reasons Social Media is Important for Small Businesses

Are you still trying to decide whether to set up social media accounts for your business? Maybe you’re thinking that with so many businesses already out there, there’s not really much point.